Thanks to Gilmananda...
Name - Fahad Mohammed Y
Location - Madras, India.
Friends(Boys) Call as - Baba, faddie
Friends(Girls) call as - hmm... hmmm.... they don't call.... i mean ... they don't call with a specific name.. Suraj, fah, fliku, feddy are some examples..
Height - Tall - Taller than you by 14 inches to be precise.
Weight - Heavy - Heavier than you by 13 Kgs to be precise.
Face - Perfect Circle. Perfect. ( x^2 + y^2 = 25 )
Eyes - Black. Two in number.
Nose - Straight. Long.
Mush/Beard - Depends on the mood. (of the barber)
Complexion - Wheatish. (Chappathi like - but without kurma.)
Sexual Orientation - Refer to the answer to Nose. (Please Consider only the first part of it)
Relationship Status- Vomited.
Dressing - Jeans, T-Shirt (with collar only)
Washing - Dhobi !
Bathing - May be !!
Sleeping - Hobby !!!
Girl Friends - currently two.
Girl Friends - actually One.
Girl Friends - Ok. Accepted. Zero.
Girls talked with - Havent' Counted before
Girls talked with - Havent' Calculated before.
Girls talked with - Ok. Accepted. Haven' talked before.
Occupation - Engineering.
What do you Engineer? - Pass. next question.
Department - Production Engineering.
Languages Known - Tamil, Japanese, No C or C++
What about English? - Isn't that implied given I have been answering in it so far.
Favourite Subject - Mathematics. (kanakku)
Favourite Sport - Cricket.
Favourite book - Hmmm.. How to learn Hindi in 30 days.. Don't think that am learning hindi to fish any hindi speaking thothas.
Ambition in life - To complete writing my novel before 2010.
Genre of the novel - Romance
Inspired by - Real life incidents.
Inspired by - ok.Pure Imagination.
Idea of a perfect first date - Dollar at hash percentage and exclamation at star percentage
What? - $@#%&!@*%
Learnings from past
relationship - actually speaking, the probabilty that given the facts that...
Ok.Stop. - Done.
Heavenly Journey!! (Last Part)
12 years ago